EMF Simulation Sdn Bhd is a Malaysian company incorporated on 27th October 2011 under Certificate of Incorporation No.945754-A. Dedication to R&D and commitment to technological innovation is the Company's foundation business strategy. The Company maintains in-house state of the art research laboratories that facilitate the rapid development of high-quality, advanced Telecommunication and Broadcasting Systems.

Registered under Ministry Of Finance, EMF Simulation Sdn Bhd is a 100% Bumiputra Status Company. We continuous our commitment and focuses to give the best and reliable solution in telecommunication, EMF Simulations assessment report, research and development (R&D) and education sector.
Our solution is the best in the field and we are committed to be at the leading edge of technology. With more than 10 years of experience, we keep extending and broadening our expertise.

We also have a complete solution for wireless and service assurance solution for 3GPP, SS7, VoIP and IMS. Our solution also included Field Tester, Protocol Analyzer, Base Station analyzer, RF & Signal Analyzer, Cable & Antenna Analyzer and Drive Test. As networks become more complex, the requirement for a dependable tool to inspect them inevitably becomes crucial.